
  • A number of bird species may cause nuisance or damage problems in urban areas. These include crows, house sparrows, pigeons and others
  • House sparrows, pigeons, and crows cause problems around businesses, homes, public buildings and other structures because of their droppings, feeding, roosting, and nest building activities; associated public health concerns; and other factors
  • Droppings in water may lead to algae growth and possibly fish kills, and water contamination poses health concerns, particularly when in municipal water supplies

Types of Birds


  • Crows are identified by their black feathers, black eyes and the caw-caw sound they make
  • Crows are diurnal
  • Crows are omnivorous, eating almost anything, and they readily adapt food habits to changing seasons and available food supply
  • Crows are also very territorial. They will come to the aid of unrelated crows in need of help or distress
  • Roosts are health hazards. Crows have been found with the West Nile encephalomyelitis virus


  • Pigeons typically have a gray body with a whitish rump, two black bars on the secondary wing feathers, a broad black band on the tail, and red feet
  • Pigeons are primarily grain and seed eaters. They will also feed on garbage, livestock manure, insects, or other food materials
  • Pigeon droppings deface and accelerate the deterioration of buildings and increase the cost of maintenance
  • Pigeon droppings deface and accelerate the deterioration of buildings and increase the cost of maintenance
  • Pigeons may carry and spread diseases to people and livestock through their droppings. They are known to carry or transmit encephalitis, toxoplasmosis, salmonella, and several other diseases

House Sparrows

  • Adult House Sparrows are small birds; 6โ€“7 inches (15โ€“17 cm) long with a 9-inch (23-cm) wingspan
  • Male House Sparrows have gray bodies and brown backs streaked with black and can be easily recognized by the reddish-brown stripes above their white cheeks and by the black bib on their throat and upper chest
  • Female House Sparrows are similar in appearance, with gray-brown bodies and brown backs streaked with black. However, the female has gray and brown streaks on both sides of her head above her cheeks
  • The diet of the House Sparrow consists mainly of plant seeds, grains, birdseed, and human food scraps, except during the breeding season when they prey heavily on insects
  • House Sparrows are highly social, roosting and nesting communally, but will fiercely defend small territories around nest sites
  • House Sparrows build messy nests of dried vegetation in any available space around signs or under the eaves, gutters, and drain pipes of commercial buildings and residences. Their nests can damage insulation, cause fire hazards , or clog drain pipes and gutters
  • Their droppings often accumulate on the walls and sidewalks of businesses, creating an unsightly mess that is unappealing to patrons and difficult to remove
  • House Sparrows can carry a variety of zoonoses, diseases that can be spread to humans (often through feces), and act as amplifying hosts, allowing the infectious agent to multiply rapidly

Birds Management


  • Tactile repellents are soft, sticky, nontoxic substances that discourage birds such as pigeons, crows, or house sparrows from perching on ledges, beams, or similar areas
  • These are best placed on wide masking tape strips to facilitate removal and will be replaced periodically because dust and dirt coat the sticky surfaces

Bird Spikes

  • Bird spikes can be used to protect ledges, signs, beams, chimneys, cutouts, security cameras, lights, column tops and more from roosting pigeons, gulls and other large problem birds
  • Pest birds such as pigeons and gulls like a flat surface to land on bird spike prevent them from landing to gain a foothold

Bird Nets

  • Bird netting is the strongest and most versatile bird exclusion system in the world.
  • Bird net denies pest birds access to literally any architectural configuration including courtyards, rooftops, overhangs, parking garages, etc.